Monday, January 5, 2009

In Memory of Alice Hooper Chapman

This blog is in memory of my grandmother, Alice Hooper Chapman. Alice was born in Omaha in 1904 and died in Panama City, Florida in 1970. I did not know her well... I was 11 when she died. I've always been intrigued by what I knew about her.

She was an only child and aside from her parents, had no close relatives (or so we thought). After high school in Omaha, she went to the Art Institute of Chicago in the 1920s. She married a classmate, my grandfather, Henry Thomas Chapman, had two kids, then moved to north Florida in the 1930s.

My grandfather worked in advertising in Chicago. After the move to Florida, he managed his Tung Oil Grove. Throughout her life, Alice continued working as an artist and a teacher of art. Alice and Henry lived in northern Florida for the rest of their lives.

I've always been fascinated by the idea of a lonely girl in Omaha, so interested in art--- and so talented-- that she sought an art education after high school. Where did her passion for art come from? How did she end up at a prestigious art college, when neither parent had even a high school degree?

No one can answer these questions for me... but my research into the family history can at least give some clues. Before I started this search, my mother could only give me the basics of her mother's history... birthdate, birth place, parents' names... and a story or two about the Hoopers. That was it. So this blog is an attempt to find some answers and to document my genealogy research in the hope that one day my own daughters will be interested in their great-grandmother and her family history.


  1. I have one of her pieces, I think it is a watercolor, a still life of a bowl of flowers and greenery. I will send you a picture of it if you like. This piece hung in my aunt's Panama City, Florida home for many years, and I inherited it from her. I would not be surprised if they were close friends. My aunt, Elizabeth A. Ackermann, and her family were active in the community and enthusiastically supported the "Gallery of Art" in downtown Panama City, and any other cultural efforts that came to or through the area.
    Becky Reider Tatum

  2. I have a nice water color of hers. Would you be interested in purchasing it?

  3. My mother, Lena S. Wheeler, was a very good friend of your grandmothers. She was learning about watercolour from her. My mother did pen & ink, oil, charcoal, just about any medium. I was told that her watercolours of the Southern Magnolia hung in just about every Washington office of our Congressmen.

    1. It says unknown, well my name is Lageorge G. Wheeler, Jr. As I said my mother was a good friend. I have one of your grandmothers Southern Magnolia paintings hanging over my fireplace at this very minute, it is a beautiful watercolour.

    2. It says unknown, well my name is Lageorge G.Wheeler, Jr. I have one of the Southern Magnolia watercolours hanging over my fireplace. It's beautiful.

  4. My mother took art lessons from Mrs Chapman in Lynn Haven, FL. occasionally she would take me along. I remember her as crusty but that could just be a young kid in a Strang setting. My mother did numerous watercolors of flowers. I have an original Alice Chapman of a pencil sketch of a tung oil blossom with a cross section of a tung oil fruit. My mother was a pedestrian artist at best but Mrs Chapman knew what she was doing. I would be happy to capture a picture of the piece and share.

  5. Just found what I believe to be a watercolor painting of hers at my mother in laws house in Panama City. She was a fantastic artist! The subject is a depiction of a small local Florida home with a screened porch nestled in some mossy oaks. Colors still look great.

  6. I am framing a watercolor today from her, its beautiful. Had it for a while.

  7. I was looking at a watercolor of Spanish moss and a small cabin that I got from my mother. We were stationed at Tyndall AFB in 1969-1971 and I am sure , now , this is where my mother purchased one of Alice Hooper Chapman's water colors. It is signed with the full signature. I just happened to search her name and found your lovely tribute.

  8. I have a watercolor of a shrimp boat docked on St. Andrew Bay hanging in my home in St Andrew. It belonged to my grandmother. I also have a beautiful magnolia watercolor hanging over my fireplace. It also belonged to my grandmother. I treasure both♥️. -Lark Keen
