Saturday, January 17, 2009

Deeper & Deeper....

When I first started researching genealogy, I wasn't a bit interested in anything that happened before the mid-19th century. It seemed that only the recent past had relevance... part of that was what I considered the unreliability of research materials, and part was thinking that those folks were way too long gone to be relevant.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, once I started looking, my mind changed and of course now I'm on a tear trying to dig up the Hooper line.

I was able to get in touch with a distant relative who had reliable information on Sanford's family, which I had absolutely NOTHING on before. I've included this new information on my Ancestry Family Tree. Right now I'm two generations back past Sanford and am on a hot lead that might take it even further.

Mt. Rest Cemetery in Bergen, New York has lots of our Hoopers, including Sanford's father, David Hooper (1783-1856).

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